Preparing for a job in Sweden
Last updated: 31/1-2025
There are many different ways you can prepare for getting a job in Sweden.
Professions in Sweden
You can use the Hitta yrken (Find professions) help service if you are unsure about what profession suits you, or about what jobs there are for your profession in Sweden. Hitta yrken is a digital tool developed by Arbetsförmedlingen.
The Hitta yrken service has information about:
- What different professions involve.
- What the chances are of getting a job in a certain profession.
- What training and experience you should have in order to get a job in various professions.
There are also films that describe several of the professions.
If you have qualifications from another country
You can have your diplomas translated or your training in another country assessed while you're seeking asylum. That is a good way to prepare for finding a job in Sweden.
Translation of foreign education certificates
If you have an education from another country you need to have the certificates from it translated, unless they are in English, French, Spanish, German or one of the Nordic languages.
The translation must be carried out by an authorised translator into Swedish or one of the languages listed above.
Assessment of foreign qualifications
You can also have your foreign qualification assessed. This means that the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet) issues a statement about what your qualifications correspond to within the Swedish education system.
You can apply for this assessment before you have been granted a residence permit. You just need to have applied for a residence permit and have an asylum seeker card (LMA-kort).
You have to include a copy of your passport and a copy of your asylum seeker card with your application.