Before you arrive in Sweden
Last updated: 16/6-2024
You have to be in Sweden or on the Swedish border in order to apply for asylum. It’s not possible to apply for asylum before you arrive, or at a Swedish embassy in another country.
The Migration Agency in Sweden determines whether you are entitled to protection in Sweden. The Migration Agency's website has a lot of information about seeking asylum in Sweden.
You can also read through the information on this page in order to prepare for your arrival in Sweden.
If you have applied for asylum in another EU country on your way to Sweden
If you are fleeing from a country outside Europe you have to apply for asylum in the first European country you reach. This is specified in the Dublin Regulation, which is an agreement between the countries of the European Union (EU) and Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
If you apply for asylum in Sweden, the Migration Agency will begin by investigating:
- If you have received a visa to any other EU country.
- If you have any of certain types of residence permits in another EU country.
- If you have applied for asylum in another EU country on your way to Sweden.
If any of the above are true, Sweden is not the country that is responsible for dealing with your asylum application. You have to go back to the country you have received a visa to or a residence permit in, or have applied for asylum in.
However, if you have close relatives in Sweden your asylum application may still be examined in Sweden.