The child’s safety
Last updated: 24/2-2023
It is important to think about the child’s safety. This can diminish the risk of your child having an accident. Here you can read about how you can prevent accidents and what you can do if an accident occurs.
It is important that children learn to swim as early as possible.
Children must have life vests in the water, on boats and when playing on the beach. But the risk also exists at home in the bathroom. A few centimetres of water can be enough. Never let your child out of your sight near water and do not be further away than from where you can grab the child.
If you don't have a life vest you can often rent a life vest from the municipality.
All who are up to age 15 must have a bicycle helmet. You may be fined if you ride a child on your bicycle if the child does not have a helmet.
The helmet must sit straight on the head and it must be stable. It will not protect if it sits tilted backward or tilted forward.
In Sweden there is a law which says that everyone who rides in a car must use a seatbelt, both in the front seat and in the back seat. Children who are shorter than 135 centimetres must in addition use a special protective device, a baby protector, baby car chair, or a belted chair/cushion.
Children search their environment with curiosity but without being conscious of all the risks which exist around them.
Links to other websites
For you as a parent it can feel difficult to keep an eye on what your child does on the internet and what contacts he or she creates. Most of what happens on the internet is not dangerous but it happens that children become exposed to, or are involved in exposing other children to, such things as harassment or insulting behavior.
The Swedish Media Council (Statens Medieråd) has produced leaflets and videos to help you give your child good guidance.
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, (MSB), has developed two films which describe how to effect heart and lung protection.