If you have a disability
Last updated: 19/12-2024
Everyone has the same right to participate in Swedish society regardless of their functional capacity. If you have a disability, you can get various types of support to help you work and manage day-to-day activities. The support you are entitled to depends on your disability and needs. There are various authorities to which you can apply for support.

You can apply for various types of support from your municipality
If you have a disability, you can apply for support from your municipality to help you live as independently as possible. According to the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), the municipality must offer support. For example, you can apply for:
- housing adapted to your needs
- personal assistance if you need help to eat, get dressed or attend to your personal hygiene
- an escort to help you participate in leisure activities or visit friends and relatives
daily activities, if you are unable to work.
The support you are entitled to depends on your disability and needs. Contact your municipality to find out how to apply for support under LSS.
The correct aids and training for your everyday needs
Your local health centre (vårdcentral) can help you to arrange special aids to help you cope with everyday life, such as a hearing aid or wheelchair. You can also get training suited to your needs.
Contact your local health centre and tell them that you have a disability and they will tell you what support you can get.
Get help to find a job that suits you
If you have a disability, you can get various types of support to help you work or find a job that suits you. For example, you can get the help of:
- a specialist if you have difficulty seeing, hearing or speaking
- someone to help you search for work, such as writing job applications
- someone who can introduce you at the workplace and support you in performing your duties.
To get the right support, contact the Swedish Public Employment Service and tell them that you have a disability.
Apply for compensation from Försäkringskassan
You can apply for various forms of compensation for things you need to cope with everyday life. You can also apply for compensation if you are unable to work because of your disability.
Apply for compensation from Försäkringskassan. Contact Försäkringskassan to find out what compensation you are entitled to.
Learn more about your rights
The Swedish Agency for Participation has prepared a brochure containing information for new arrivals to Sweden who have a disability.
Words and terminology explained
A person with a disability is someone who has impaired functional capacity and may need support to be able to participate in society in the same way as other people. Someone can be born with a disability or they may become disabled later in life. A disability can be:
- physical, such as impaired movement or hearing
- mental, such as a mental illness
- intellectual, such as needing more time to understand and learn new things
- cognitive, such as needing support to follow instructions or plan your time.
There are also disabilities other than those mentioned above.
Daily activities
Daily activities are activities for people with disabilities who do not have a job. You participate in these activities at a workplace or a day centre. An activity may also be in the form of a placement.