Organisations for people with a disability

Last updated: 18/12-2024

You can find organisations for people with various types of disability here.

Autism Sverige

Autism Sverige works to improve life for people with autism.


DHR stands for participation (Delaktighet), power of action (Handlingskraft), and freedom of movement (Rörelsefrihet). DHR works to ensure that people with reduced mobility can be fully equal and involved in society.

Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW)

Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW) is a project to improve the reception and integration of migrants and refugees with disabilities in Sweden, focusing on jobs and employment. DRW is run by the Independent Living Institute (ILI).


FUB is an organisation dedicated to ensuring that children, youths and adults with intellectual disabilities can live a full life.

Swedish Disability Rights Federation

The Swedish Disability Rights Federation is cooperative organisation consisting of a number of national disability rights associations.


Hörselskadades Riksförbund (HRF) is Sweden’s national association for people with hearing impairment.


Neuro is an independent organisation representing the interests of people living with a neurological diagnosis or symptoms.

Swedish Rheumatism Association

The Swedish Rheumatism Association (Reumatikerförbundet) gathers and disseminates knowledge about rheumatic disorders.

Swedish National Down Syndrome Association

The Swedish National Down Syndrome Association works to increase knowledge about Down syndrome and improve the lives of people with Down syndrome.

Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired

The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF) is a non-profit interest organisation run by and for people with visual impairments.