Leisure, culture and civic society
Last updated: 8/2-2023
Read more here about different types of leisure activities.
Children's and young people's leisure
Leisure time is the time when you yourself choose what you want to do. It is important to have leisure time. There are many different leisure activities arranged by the municipality where you live or by associations and clubs. Contact your municipality to find out what there is where you live, or check the municipality's website.
Different types of leisure activities for children and young people
Municipalities usually have recreation centres for young people between 12 and 16 years old. There may also be recreation centres for those who are older than that. In recreation centres you can watch films, for example, and meet friends.
In addition to recreation centres, many municipalities have special youth programmes. These might be youth centres or places where young people can meet and get to start various projects or groups.
Sports associations are important to many children and young people in Sweden. There they can practise various sports such as football, riding or swimming.
Kulturskolan, or the culture school, gives children and young people the opportunity to participate in artistic and cultural activities after school.
At Kulturskolan children can learn to play a musical instrument, to dance or do drama, for example, or to pursue various art forms after school.
Every municipality has a library. Libraries are open to everyone.
The library has books for children and adults in various languages, newspapers, periodicals, language courses, institutional information, music, films, computers etc. Borrowing books at the library is free of charge, but you need to have a library card, which is also free. Usually you get to borrow a book for 4 weeks, but sometimes it is less – check your receipt!
Civic society for children and young people
There are many associations and clubs in Sweden, for all kinds of interests. Sports clubs, film clubs, theatre groups, gaming associations, scout groups, ethnic associations, clubs for outdoor recreation, photography clubs and much more. By joining an association you get to do something that you enjoy. You also get to know others who have the same interest.