Websites with information, advice and support
Last updated: 13/12-2023
The staff at Terrafem have vast experience of supporting women and girls who have been abused. They speak many different languages.
Unizon represents over 130 Swedish women's shelters, young women's empowerment centres and other support services which work together for a gender equal society free from violence.
Kvinnofridslinjen is a national support line for persons subjected to threats and violence.
Killfrå is an online chatt support where boys and transgender persons, 10-18 years old, can chat anonymously with volunteers.
1000 Possibilities (1000 Möjligheter) can provide help and support to those who are under 25 and have been or are victims of sexual abuse.
The transgender association FPES, Full Personality Expression Sweden, enables the transgender community to be heard in society. The association informs about transgender issues.
ROKS, the National Organisation for Women's Shelters and Young Women's Shelters in Sweden, has about 120 shelters among its members and they provide support and protection to women, girls and children subjected to male violence, as well as to women in lesbian relationships.
Save the Children's Helpline is a multilingual helpline for children and young people. Callers can remain completely anonymous if they wish. The adults who take the calls are good listeners, and you can speak, and receive advice and support, in your native language.
Children and young people up to the age of 18 can turn anonymously and at no charge to BRIS (Barnens Rätt i Samhället, Children's Rights in Society) when they need support from an adult.
Here you can find written information or watch films that deal with sex, health, relationships, and much more.
A women's and young women's shelter that offers sheltered housing for women who are subjected to violence, as well as offering advice and support over the phone. They speak several different languages.
RFSU – the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning).
RFSL – the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (Riksförbundet för sexuellt likaberättigande)
At About Social Services ( you can get help finding support, information about what social services do and help understanding difficult words that you may come across when dealing with social services.