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This page has information about what you have to do when you have been granted a residence permit as a refugee, as a beneficiary of subsidiary protection status, or under the Temporary Protection Directive.
Find information here about the Temporary Protection Directive and what applies for people who have fled the war in Ukraine.
Here is a checklist of what you need to do in order to get started on your new life.
You can learn more about how the introduction programme can help you find work here.
You can learn more about how to find housing here.
Here, you can find exercises and videos to help you practice your Swedish using a computer or mobile phone.
You can read here about introduction benefits, bank accounts, taxes and other things related to finances.
Read here about children’s development and what rights and obligations you have as a parent.
Read here about how you can use your education from your home country.
Read here about Swedish society and about which public authorities do what.
Read here about different education and training programmes, and how you apply for a student grant.
Read here about what it is like to be young in Sweden and about how the Swedish education system works.
You can learn more about pensions and other economic support if you are retired here.
Read here about what help is available if you have a disability.
You can learn more about how to seek care here.
Read here about how you can find activities to do where you will meet other people with the same interests as you.
Read here about the rules for family reunification and about who is considered part of your immediate family.
You can learn more about requirements for extending a residence permit and how to apply here.
You can read the latest news from Sweden here.
Here, you can learn more about what types of behaviour are considered violence and where you can get help and support.