Begin learning Swedish with Hej svenska!

Last updated: 4/12-2024

Hej svenska! is a free digital tool for practising Swedish as a second language.

With Hej svenska! you practise your vocabulary, phrases and grammar by doing varied exercises that involve reading, writing or listening.

Hej svenska! can be used in your web browser. You can also download Hej svenska! as an app. Once you have downloaded the app you can use it without an internet connection.

Hej svenska! 1, 2, 3 and 4

Hej svenska! is made up of four parts. In Hej svenska! 1 you learn your first words and phrases in Swedish. Hej svenska! 2, 3 and 4 contain progressively more advanced language and grammar.

Each part has ten themes, and each theme has a number of exercises. You can choose which exercises to do and in what order. You can do the same exercise several times.

A hand holding a mobile phone. A computer can be seen in the background.

Hej svenska! 1

Click here to start Hej svenska! 1 on your computer or to download the Hej svenska! 1 app.

A hand holding a mobile phone. A computer can be seen in the background.

Hej svenska! 2

Click here to start Hej svenska! 2 on your computer or to download the Hej svenska! 2 app.

A hand holding a mobile phone. A computer can be seen in the background.

Hej svenska! 3

Click here to start Hej svenska! 3 on your computer or to download the Hej svenska! 3 app.

A hand holding a mobile phone. A computer can be seen in the background.

Hej svenska! 4

Click here to start Hej svenska! 4 on your computer or to download the Hej svenska! 4 app.

How Hej svenska! works

There are three buttons that appear throughout Hej svenska!: the Listen button, the OK button and the Help button.

Listen button

The Listen button (which has a loudspeaker icon) lets you listen as many times as you need to. In some exercises the Listen button is optional. This means that you can choose whether you want sound or not. In other exercises, the example is read out after you have completed the exercise.

OK button

When you feel you have completed an exercise, click the OK button for correction. This means that any errors will be marked red and correct answers will be marked green. Once you have corrected any errors you can click the OK button again and move on to the next exercise.

Help button

You can get help for a number of exercises by clicking the Help button (which has a lightbulb icon). This will flash the correct answer for a few seconds. You can click the Help button as many times as you like and need to.