What do the different government agencies do?
Last updated: 6/8-2024
There are many government agencies in Sweden. This page has information about some of the agencies you may need to have contact with.
The Migration Board examines applications from persons who want to visit, move to or seeks shelter in Sweden, or who want to become Swedish citizens.
Arbetsförmedlingen is a government agency whose task is to contribute to a well-functioning labour market. Arbetsförmedlingen helps jobseekers find jobs and employers find new employees.
They are also responsible for ensuring that some new arrivals are given an individual plan for getting into work or training. This is known as the introduction programme.
Försäkringskassan is in charge of much of Swedish social insurance. Social insurance provides financial security during the various stages of life.
There are many different allowances and benefits, including parental allowance, housing allowance, child benefit, introduction benefit, and sickness compensation when you are ill for more than 2 weeks.
Försäkringskassan will process your application and decide whether you are entitled to a benefit. If you are entitled, they also pay out the allowance or benefit to you.
The Tax Agency’s tasks include collecting taxes and checking that you are paying the correct tax. The Tax Agency is also responsible for the population register, which is a register of everyone who lives in Sweden, where they live, and what their family circumstances are. They also issue ID cards for people who are listed in the Swedish population register.
The Swedish Police investigate and combat crime. They also work to increase security and prevent crime. If you have been subjected to a crime, you can report it to the police.
Every municipality in Sweden has social services. They provide help and support to residents in the municipality who need it. The social services’ work is governed by several laws, including the Social Services Act. This act has rules about who is entitled to financial assistance and social care, for example.
If you have difficulties supporting yourself or your family, you can apply for financial assistance. Read more about the social services on your municipality’s website.
It is the Transport Administration's task to ensure that roads are clear and usable, that trains run on time and that traffic information is up to date. It is also the authority that tests you when you apply for a driving licence.
The Swedish Transport Agency issues learners' permits to people who want to get a driving licence. It is also responsible for some aspects of road safety and the formulation of traffic regulations.
The National Agency for Education (Skolverket) works to ensure that all pupils receive a good education in a safe environment. Skolverket helps implement decisions that the Riksdag and government have made regarding schools. This includes producing course and subject syllabuses which describe what pupils have to learn.
The Swedish Schools Inspectorate (Skolinspektionen) monitors how schools in Sweden are working and that they are complying with the law. The goal is for every pupil to receive a good education in a safe environment. Anyone can notify the Schools Inspectorate of things they think are not working well in schools.
The National Government Service Centre runs service centres in which several government agencies collaborate.
At service offices, you can get help and information from the Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish Public Employment Service, Försäkringskassan and Swedish Pensions Agency. The staff at service offices can help you to use the agencies’ e-services, fill in forms and complete applications, as well as providing information about your ongoing cases. At certain service offices, you can also get support from the Swedish Migration Agency.
Staff at service offices speak Swedish and English. If you need help in another language, staff can arrange an interpreter for you.