If you are an asylum seeker and turning 18 years old
Last updated: 31/5-2023
When you turn 18, or if the Migration Agency determines that your age is to be changed to over 18, you are no longer considered a child. This is known as reaching the age of majority (becoming a legal adult). If you are an asylum seeker, you can read here about what happens when you become a legal adult.
The social services are no longer responsible for your finances and your housing. You no longer have the right to a legal guardian.
If you reach your majority before you have received a decision on your asylum application, the Migration Agency will assume responsibility for you. You will be called to an Age 18 conference at the Migration Agency at which you will be given information about what happens when you reach your majority. The Migration Agency will also explain how your daily allowance works.
Your case will be handled by the Migration Agency according to the rules that apply for adult asylum seekers. Contacts with the Migration Agency will be your own responsibility.
When you turn 18, or if the Migration Agency determines that your age is to be changed to over 18, you can no longer continue living in the accommodation arranged for you by the municipality.
You may be able to stay in the municipality, in your own accommodation (EBO). Otherwise you have to move into one of the Migration Agency's accommodation centres. In that case you will not be able to choose which municipality to live in. The Migration Agency will try to find you accommodation close to where you have been living, if possible. Some municipalities arrange accommodation, allowing young people over 18 to stay in the municipality. The social services may also offer you continued accommodation if their assessment is that there are special reasons for it.
If you choose to arrange your own accommodation during the time you are an asylum seeker, you will not be given help to find housing if you are granted a residence permit.
When you turn 18, or if the Migration Agency determines that your age is to be changed to over 18, the rules regarding health and medical care change. Adult asylum seekers are only entitled to emergency medical care, care in connection with childbirth, care in the event of an abortion, counselling about contraceptives, maternity care and care under the Communicable Diseases Act.